New Tech... Oil and Water
Technology is to some a major crisis in their lives- they worry about will they be able to cope and not be swept away by new gear, trends, or work patterns that are changed- removed - or restructured in the ever changing face to technological sweeps of new taking over from old and making the relatively new - suddenly old.
Here I intend to look at those changes and patterns and from time to time update my own little note-blog of what I know to I hope provide a search path for those still seeking to find out where and what the heck is going on in the ever changing ever ever-evolving word to Tech where the only thing indeed constant is CHANGE!!!
So whets Hot this week?
A New personal transport concept from BMW -

It also uses new fuel cell technology - meaning hydrogen
not gas in your tank.
Some theorize the only delay in the implementation of a hydrogen based economy is that huge multinational Oil and Energy companies do not want people to know that once fuel cell
vehicles come into mainstream or hydrogen based internal combustion engines. Then those intrepid enough cold make fuel out of Water - which is afterall two part hydrogen !!! No big secret there - But perhaps the biggest one is how slow the effort is to seek the changes to make Hydrogen power more seen as a alternative to Fossil fuel - there is one problem though - making Hydrogen from is easy the consistency and capability and technology to do this has been around for more than 100 years.
If anyone ever heard of the Zeppelin Aircraft of WW I - yes 1914 - era Europe - they ran on Diesel engines that used fuel injection and Hydrogen gas as power source.
If you don't believe me - search it - look it up - its there in the old Zepelin designs and now those patents are open - since they have gone beyond normal patent periods . Anyone could in theory build a diesel engine that ran on Hydrogen - why isn't anyone?
Good Question - but another factor exists for people to consider- once Hydrogen is used more and more would the worlds oceans - the most likely source of the Water for fuel be endangered?
That is an issue as to why Fuel cells are being pushed more than internal combustion engines for Hydrogen fuel I am told. In theory - if the world were suddenly shift - to this other source of fuel - one will wonder what the middle east will do... Water is a bit of problem in a land of Sand but then they will still have all that oil.
More to follow....
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